Thursday, July 18


Assignment #5
Word Art 
(10 points)
Alicia Casel

In this project you will focus on typography to create an illustration that incorporates text as an integral part of the image or image shape

Your second assignment in Illustrator is to create a graphic that uses text as an integral part of an illustration or vice versa. Examples: You might create an illustration of an elephant made up of the repeating word “elephant” in various fonts and type weights. Or, you might create the word “elephant” out of a font you design that resembles elephants. Your project should be engaging and artistic, yet also show an understanding of typography and vector creation.Create a mock-up for review with me before starting on the final—this may be hand-drawn or put together quickly using Photoshop to "demo" your idea. There is a great deal of latitude with how you approach this project, but you need to run your ideas by me before you execute them to make sure you are within the parameters of the project. Your graphic should include representative imagery (object/s) and a word or phrase(s) appropriately integrated while balancing an overall composition that gives a sense of style and texture appropriate to the subject matter.

Your project will be evaluated on its originality, finesse, use of vector software, effective interpretation, readability, creativity, “sale-ability,” effective typography, comprehension of type tools, balance, and professional presentation.

When ready for evaluation, email a pdf or jpg of the finished product to me (put your name in the file!), and leave the intact Ai file on your PC. In your email include a very brief description telling me how the image was created and why you chose to go in the direction and with the style you did. 


this week's schedule:

Day 15...Mon July 22
.Read Chapter 7: Texture and (online) Comprehensive Guide to the Type Tool
Complete Logo (A#4/5 points) and begin Word Art Projects (A#5/10 points)

.Day 16...Tues July 23
.Read Chapter 18 on Typography and Work on Word Art Project (#A5)
.Due: Word Art thumbnails (A#5) at start of class
.Critique: Logo

.Day 17...Wed July 24
.Read (online) Sketch to Vector: Illustrating w/Depth and Drawing in Vector: 5-Value Process
.Work on Word Art & Begin FInal Vector Project
.Quiz 3* on Mod 2 and Chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, 16, 18 Taken in Class

.Day 18...Thu July 25

.Due/Critique: Assmt. A5--Word Art (10 points)

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