.To Read Chapters 14 & 15: Abstraction & Association
.Due ... Icon, Practice 3
THUR February 14
.To Do ...
Quiz 2 on Mod1/Part 2 taken in class/covers CH. 11, 12, 14, & 15; online articles on the Golden Ratio; and the powerpoints above. SEE Mod1 Resources for links to these and the study guides.
Assignment 3 Due (Abstraction/Visual Pun) (10 points) (guidelines provided below)
Begin Illustrator Training
. Final Photo Project . Assignment #3 Guidelines
(Composite Abstraction/10 points)
FORK IN THE ROAD by Kirsten Myers
“Combining Images To Express Meaning”
This PS assignment should show me the best of the skills you’ve learned this first month of class. Consider it your final exam in Photoshop.
This is an exercise in effective photo compositing, masking, photorealism or painterly style, shading, and the consistent application of light sources. Using photo imagery or an illustration/artwork of your own, create a piece of composite art that suggests a visual pun or is a stylized abstract interpretation of a concept (see examples in the Powerpoint below). Combine three or more different images in a way that is unexpected but that makes sense within the finished piece. Refer to Chapter 15 of your textbook for inspiration on creating abstract concepts with multiple images. (Note: this assignment will require you to understand layering and masking in PS. You should have completed Skill Set 2 and other appropriate tutorials before tackling it.)
Again, choose images that you have permission to use or that are royalty-free. Work with images that are no smaller than 8x10 in 240 DPI. Pay particular attention to focal interest, negative space, drama, and style in your image. You will be evaluated on:
• Originality Creativity/Originality
• Subject, Design & Composition Choices
• Overall Aesthetics/Decisions
• Fulfillment of Assignment Requirements/Rhetorical Resonance
• Contrast/Value/Color Choices
• Complexity of Work/Demonstration of Skill with Masking
• Clarity/Final Resolution of Output
• Use of Software
• Attention to Detail/Masking & Clarity
• Blending/Transparency of filtering & color corrections/Finesse
Upload the PS file with layers intact to the Server 8 drop box before class on the day of critique, along with the original images you worked from, PLUS have a printed/mounted copy of your work to show in class. You will first need to convert to CMYK and print the image at least 8x10. Email a JPG of the final image to me after the critique to let me know it is ready for evaluation.
Along with your image this time, you must also submit a one-page paper (dbl-spaced) describing your thinking while making the image(s), explaining why you chose this particular image (discuss composition, mood, color, contrast, abstraction) and the tools you used to accomplish it. Discuss masking, use of filters, and compositing/creating believable shadows, etc. You should provide evidence of reflection and analysis regarding the process you went through to develop the concept and final result. Be prepared to share this information with the class.
If you make changes to your image after the critique, you should email a JPG of the final to me to let me know . (As with all Art 109 projects, when you send a file by email be sure your name is somewhere in the file name.) discuss in your email (3-5 sentences) what you were attempting to communicate with the image, what tools you used, and what challenges you met in the process of using the software to accomplish it.
.tuesday...Feb. 19
.Read Chapter 3: Space and (online) Raster vs. Vector (read both/next pages) & What the Heck is a Pen Tool.Watch Training Videos for AI, CH 3, 4, 5 (Part 1) in the Training tab Skill Set 3 "Essential Illustrator Training".Due in class: Pen Tool Exercises 1 & 2 (Download from the Mod2 Page)
.thursday...Feb. 21
.Read Chapter 4: Line and (online) The Illustrator Interface.Watch Training Videos for AI, CH11, CH 6, CH 8, & CH 10
Begin Practice 4 & 5
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