Wednesday, September 17

In Class This Week

Tues Sept. 23
 .To Read:  Chapters 14 & 15
Critique color projects.                  
Discuss: Masking and shading tips.
Work on Final Photoshop Assignment (Composite, Project A3).

Thurs Sept. 25
 Quiz 2 on Mod1/Part B to be taken in class. This Quiz Covers:
             -Color Theory 
    -Composition & Balance (a review) 
    -Puns & Idioms in Advertising  
    -Abstractions (examples)
    Also Continue Work on final Photoshop Assignment in class.

    Useful video tutorials to review for Project A3:

    From Photoshop Fundamentals for Photographers (Chris Orwig)--6m 54s
    1. 34m 46s
      1. Introducing masks
        4m 7s
      2. Building and editing a mask
        5m 35s
      3. Removing a person from the background with masking
        6m 6s
      4. Removing color with a mask
        4m 31s
      5. Selectively sharpening an area of your photograph
        5m 22s

    From Photoshop CC Essentials (Julieanne Kost)--6m 54s
    1. Using the Marquee and Lasso tools
      11m 41s
    2. Combining selections
      6m 40s
    3. Converting a selection into a layer mask
      7m 40s
    4. Using the Quick Selection tool and Refine Edge
      7m 12s
    5. Selecting soft-edged objects using Refine Edge
      9m 28s
    6. Touching up a layer mask with the Brush tool
      5m 42s
    7. Changing the opacity, size, and hardness of the painting tools
      9m 9s
    8. Blending images with a gradient layer mask
      4m 55s
    9. Combining multiple exposures with layer masks
      5m 5s

    10. 16. Combining Multiple Images1s
    1. Swapping heads in a family portrait
      4m 3s

    See Also:

    The Art of Photoshop Compositing

    with Julieanne Kost

    1. 52m 11s
      1. Perception: A quick analysis
        1m 56s
      2. Gathering the source images
        11m 33s
      3. Understanding masking
        7m 1s
      4. Opacity and blend modes
        6m 6s
      5. Removing elements
        4m 31s
      6. Adding supporting elements
        4m 22s
      7. Unifying color and tone
        7m 8s
      8. Adding edges
        6m 14s
      9. Saving files
        3m 20s
    2. 25m 12s
      1. Erosion: A quick analysis
        1m 23s
      2. Assembling the pieces
        4m 10s
      3. One image, multiple looks
        6m 49s
      4. Advanced blending
        5m 32s
      5. Refining color and tone
    To access the Student Server in Rm. 151-- 
    While on your workstation look to the upper right menu bar of the desktop. The image to the left of the volume icon on the menu bar represents the Art Building Cloud. Click on this to open the "AeroFS" Folder, which appears in the drop down menu.  
    In the AeroFS window that appears on your desktop, double-click on the folder icon entitled Art Classes for Submission of Assignments. Then, open this sequence of folders: ArtClasses>ART109>TuesThurs, plus the time for your section as given in military time (1500to1730 for Section 34 which meets at 3pm or 1830to2100 for Section 35 which meets at 6:30pm). 
    Create a new folder here and type in your name as the folder name. Drag all your work from your own external drive into this folder. 
    You will complete all future work from files you upload to or create in this personal folder.   
    This part of the student server is sometimes referred to as the Dropbox.

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    Using a Gradient Mesh

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    Blending Modes Explained

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    Adding a Light Source

    Changing Light Sources

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    Match and Replace Colors

    Achieving Cinematic Colors in Photoshop with Alpha Channels

    Photo Sharpening Tips

    Jonathon Klein: World Changing Photos

    Or community based creativity?

    Photo Artist Eugenio Recuenco

    This is photography, not animation!