Friday, June 28

WEEK 2 (July1-3)

Day 3-4 Jun 28-July 1

.To Read:

Young's Technique for Ideas (click to download)

Chapter 2: The Design Process (+Study Guide)

Online: What File Format do I Use?

Chapter 6: Value 
(+Study Guide)

Online: Raster vs. Vector Images

.To Do: 

  • Practice 2, Photo Cropping Due AND PRESENTED at start of class 
  • Finish all PS Tutorials SKILL SET 1 before class
  • Begin Skill Set 2, "Essential Training" in class

Day 5 July 2

.To Read: Chapter 8: Color, & Chapter 9: Using Color

plus (online)

COLOR THEORY Website (ONLINE/be sure to click on and read all of the first 12 links!): Color BasicsColor Systems | Color WheelComplementary Colors | After Images | Color Combinations | Color & Contrast | Itten's Contrasts | Proportion & Intensity | Contrast & Dominance | Shades & Tints

Day 6 July 3

Quiz 1 will be taken in class (Covers the Chapters 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, study guides, assigned online readings, class lectures & Powerpoints, and video tutorials assigned to date 

QUIZ CHAPTER GUIDES...Chapters 1&2 QUIZ 1 Chapters 6, 8, & 9 QUIZ 1 
ONLINE READINGS...About Digital Photography Young's Ideas for Techniques Raster vs. Vector Images What File Format Do I Use? Color Theory at Color Worqx (follow all the links!)  
YOUR Assignment 1 (Before & After Photo Enhancement) is due for critique at the start of class (guidelines provided below)...


Assignment #1 Guidelines
“Before and After Photo Enhancement”

(5 points)
Before proceeding to the Assigned Projects,
you should have completed Skill Set 1 in the Training tab.


                           Photo Repair by Leslie Chelala

Repair/Improve a damaged or inferior photograph...

This is an assignment in the use of the global adjustment features of Adobe Bridge plus healing tools and local adjustments in Photoshop. In this assignment you are primarily evaluated on your understanding of value. 

Choose a photo of your own that needs repair or significant improvement. Your finished photo should show several significant enhancements from the original. Appropriate enhancements include:

  • • Adding detail to an area blown-out in the original 
  • • Simplifying or dramatizing a light source 
  • • Noticeably adjusting all-over or area contrast, color & value
  • • Masking, burning, dodging areas to fix blemishes, scratches, tears, & stains
  • • Improving skin tone
  • • Diffusing or softening image for aesthetic reasons
  • • Adding clarity, sharpening, or improving resolution
  • • Straightening a horizon line
  • • Purposefully canting an image (angling) for dramatic effect
  • • Reducing noise
  • • Retouching a portrait for aesthetic reasons
  • • Converting from color to Black/White or Duotone
  • • Cropping and enhancing a detail to create a new photo
  • • Significantly adjusting saturation, vibrancy, luminance, or gain
(I would expect to see at least 4 of the above.)
Pay particular attention to aesthetics, value (contrast/color balance), vibrance, mood, and clarity of detail. You will be evaluated on:
  • Choice of Image/Originality                              
  • Composition/Cropping Choices                           
  • Color Aesthetics                                  
  • Contrast/Value                          
  • Complexity of Work/Software Skill                          
  • Clarity/Final Image Resolution /Proper File Format                  
  • Use of PS Filters                              
  • Use of PS Healing Tools                          
  • Blending/Transparency of corrections/healing:                  
  • Finesse/Attention to Detail/Creativity                              
Before class the day of the critique (even if still in progress!) email me a JPG version of the artwork. After the critique you may resubmit changes to the file for evaluation. As with all Art 109 projects, when you send a file by email be sure your name is somewhere in the file name. Leave a copy of the original photograph and your final PS file (with the layers intact) on your workstation desktop when you are ready to have it graded. 

REMEMBER TO WORK LARGE in 200-300 dpi. Tiff format is best.

Value (zip file) Powerpoint from Class

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Using a Gradient Mesh

Using Live Paint & Fixing Gaps

Illustrator Type Tools

Manipulating Individual Letters in Illustrator

Use the Width Tool to Shape Letters

Warping Text in Illustrator

Unique Type Treatment

The Illustrator Curvature Tool

Terry White's Top Ai Tips

Smoothing with the Pen Tool as You Draw

Using Live Corners

Using the Curvature Tool

Layer Masking Explained

Advanced Masking

Photo Composite Basics

Using Alpha Channels

Using a Clipping Mask

Blending Modes Explained

Creating Realistic Shadows

Adding a Light Source

Changing Light Sources

Masking Hair in Photoshop

Secrets of HDR

Using Color Replacement to Select & Change Colors

A variety of demos of the color replacement tool

Fun with Color Themes

Playing with Complementary Colors

Spot Color

Painting with Color for a Warhol Effect

Match and Replace Colors

Achieving Cinematic Colors in Photoshop with Alpha Channels

Photo Sharpening Tips

Jonathon Klein: World Changing Photos

Or community based creativity?

Photo Artist Eugenio Recuenco

This is photography, not animation!